Welcome to Hepf Sono-BUTP and Genesis Institute of Medical Ultrasonography and Biology

Our USG Training

USG Training

USG New &  Traditional Courses:-


Sl.  No.

Course Name



DMU Regular

01 year


DMU (Advanced) Post DMU/CMU

01 year


06 Month CMU Course Advanced

06 Month


06 Month CMU Regular Course

06 Month


03 Month CMU Course

03 Month


Fetal Anomaly

08 Class


Fetal Anomaly + Doppler OBG

12 Class


Fetal Anomaly + All Doppler

20 Class


Color Doppler 08 Weeks

12 Class


Musculoskeletal System USG

08 Class



06 Class


Ultrasound of Breast

05 Class


TVS with Saline Infusion Sonogram

10 Class


Saline Infusion Sonogram

10 Class


Vascular Doppler + Carotid

09 Class

16. Breast (Lecture + Practical) 08 Class


Brief Description:

=> Theory: Dedicated & Most Sincere.

=> Teacher: Long experienced provides up to date lecture note.

=> Practical: Always Guided by senior post graduate sonologist with vast experience.

Certificate: Bangladesh Govt. authorized certificate issued after evalution. (BTEB-Under Ministry of Education)

(HEPF-Under Ministry of Social Welfare)

Breast/ Fetal Anomaly/ Vascular Doppler/ Small Parts/ MSK system

Qualification: CMU/ DMU

Dedicated Hands On Traning

Breast & Small Parts Courses, DMU/CMU, OBG Doppler


About USG Training

Why this Course:

Ultra sonogram is, one of the major diagnostic tools. In some cases it is mandatory. In our  country it is intergrated with a vast subject Radiology and Imaging. But at present days ultra sonogram itself is a vast one so, it should be given special preferences. On the other hand there is lacking of qualified sonologist in our country. However these courses are designed to create qualified sonologiest of different Levels (C-Ultra, CMU, DMU & other Sp. Programs) providing intensive oriented teaching environment. Worth to mention at present there are o7 speciality & 17 sub speciality in ULTRA Sound.

About the Courses:

These courses are standard and HEPF SONO-Genesis since 2001 ensure teaching provides fitness of practice for our students. We ensure effective intergration of theory with our teachers ensures the highest levels of currency and value for our courses. We believe after completion of this courses participants will be able to perform ultra sonogram confidently.

We hope that the courses, as detailed in this booklet, will stimulate you to apply and that we will have the pleasure to welcom you at our centres.

Special Features:

  • Since 2001 these programs started
  • Totally clinical and practical oriented teaching environment.
  • Conducted by the leading sonologist of the country.

শিক্ষকবৃন্দের নামের তালিকা

জেনেসিস  ইনষ্টিটিউট অব মেডিকেল আলট্রাসনোগ্রাফী এন্ড বায়োলজী
এর  শিক্ষকবৃন্দের নামের তালিকা:
ক্রমিক নং শিক্ষকদের নাম পদবী
০১. ডা: শরীফ মাহমুদ রুমী পরিচালক
০২. অধ্যাপক ডা: মফিজ উল্ল্যাহ

অধ্যাপক | রেডিওলজি ও ইমেজিং

০৩. অধ্যাপক ডা: খাজা সাজেদ আনোয়ার অধ্যাপক ও ক্লিনিক্যাল প্রশিক্ষক
০৪. ডা: মোতাহার হোসেন

সহযোগী অধ্যাপক | মেডিসিন

০৫. ডা: মোহিত-উল-আলম

রেজিষ্টার | শিক্ষক ও ক্লিনিক্যাল প্রশিক্ষক

০৬. ডা: রায়হানুর রহমান

সহযোগী অধ্যাপক | সার্জারী

০৭. ডা: নাঈমা-ই-সারমীন রেজিষ্টার
০৮. ডা: সখিনা আক্তার বানু ক্লিনিক্যাল প্রশিক্ষক